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Icon change
vineri, 30 noiembrie 2007De azi inainte voi adauga o noua rubrica pe blog intitulata sugestiv "tips`n`tricks" si va contine ,exact, divers ponturi.
A, si inca ceva, voi incerca sa scriu engleza chiar daca voi reusi partial, putin, prost si cu greseli, asa ca nu sariti sa ma omorati.
As I have noticed, a lot of people who own a site or who write a blog would like to know how to change the icon next to the title of their blog, shown by their browser.
To do so(change the icon, thaa), u have to find the "head" mark found at the beginning of you html/xml template.Under that mark, it should be a script that provides the title that the internet browser will show each time your blog/site is visited (for example, my title is "Star3 Blog of the World"-you can see that from the provided print-screens).If u want, u can change the title too.Above, there is a print-screen of the script , found on the of my template.
Now, the icon-change part:
Under the title script you should introduce the following script:
Be careful:your icon should be 30x30(size in pixels) and should be ".png"-format.
If you want to resize an image, u can use software such as Adobe Photoshop, or some pre-installed software, such as "Microsoft Office Picture Manager".
After you have resized the image you should save it in the ".png" format.
Your image is ready now.Next, you will have to upload the image(to have the link for the script) on a hosting site( I am using imageshack and it works great) .
Now, that u have uploaded your icon on a hosting site and you have the direct-link to the image, you have to copy that link and paste it in the script above.
Save your template and it should work.
If it doesn`t work, be sure that u have closed all the tags (all the "<" should end up with a ">")
If you have any question, don`t hesitate to ask me(use the comments or the contact)