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The Large Hadron Collider =LHC= alias. Gaura Neagra care ne Mananca:))

miercuri, 10 septembrie 2008
Posted by Star

Cred ca nu mai e nevoie de prezentari.Toata lumea a urmarit pe la Tv, prin ziare, pe internet, pe la radio....etc. informatii despre Acceleratorul de particule. Acesta e cel mai mare astfel de dispozitiv din istoria omenirii, se intinde sub granita Franco-elvetiana.Primul flux de particule va circula azi(10 sepetembrie 2008).Prima ciocnire va avea loc pe 21 octombrie 2008.Dupa cum afirma cercetatorii, si mie personal mi se pare odios, "daca e sa ne facem griji, nu ne facem azi, ne facem in octombrie".
Acest experiment, cel mai mare din istoria omenirii, a impartit cercetatorii in 2 tabere:Pro si Contra.
In tabara Pro, se afla un individ care in copilarie era pasionat de chimie,isi fabrica explozibili si arunca in aer tot ce prindea, obiecte din casa, etc.In cealalta tabara, Contra, se afla un individ care la inceput era tot Pro, asa ca situatia nu e prea roz.
Iata un filmulet in care ni se explica foarte clar cum functioneaza jucaria:

And now in english:
Above, there is a short clip which explains how the Large Hadron Collider works.
I think there is now need of intros.Everyone saw on Tv, read on the internet or in the newspapers, hear on the radio about the Particle Accelerator.This is the largest gadget of it`s kind in the world, it lies under the Franco-swiss border. The first beam of particles will be launched today, 10th september 2008. The first collision will take place on the 21st of octomber.After the scientists` saying, which i find terrifying, "if something bad will take place, we should worry in octomber, not now in september."
The experiment, which is the largest in the mankind history, has divided the scientists in two:Pros and Contras.
Among the pros, there is a guy, who was a chemistry fan as a child and fabricated his own explosives and detonated everything, including household items.
Among the Contras, there is a guy which was a Pro at his origins, so the future is not so bright.
Febra LHC a cuprins si Romania:

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