You can`t play a Player...
Fara voi...viata era trista
miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2008Tipul care nu a putut sa doarma in pat cu nevasta
Un detinut explica cat de cald e dupa gratii
Subaru ftw!
In luna septembrie a anului trecut, Block a raspuns unei invitatii, lansata de revista Snowboarder Magazine, de a conduce masina sa de curse, un Subaru Impreza WRX STi, pe o partie de schi.
duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008Check this out:
It is really great.It can also be made with a stop-motion technique.
This is a stop motion animation of a moving coin.
The stop motion technique is "Stop motion (or frame-by-frame) animation is a general term for an animation technique which makes a physically manipulated object appear to move. The object is moved by extremely small amounts between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames are played as a continuous sequence. Clay figures are often used in stop motion animations, known as claymation, for their ease of repositioning. Software applications such as Stop Motion Pro, istopmotion and monkeyjam have made the technique popular among young filmmakers."
One of the most famous uses of this technique is the original 1933 KING KONG.
A major change
marți, 22 ianuarie 2008SO.....most of you a result....i`ll change the template(again) and the link :-) .
Am trait sa o vedem si pe asta
vineri, 18 ianuarie 2008Becali cu mustata in prima aparitie
Patronul Stelei Gigi Becali a avut prima sa aparitie publica cu mustata. El si-a prezentat noul look, joi seara, la Realitatea Tv la o emisiune despre urmarirea penala inceputa de DNA impotriva a zece oameni din fotbal. Mustata nu era asa stufoasa cum promitea latifundiarul din Pipera la inceputul lunii. Cat de bine seamana cu cel pe care l-a luat drept model, actorul Clark Gable, puteti vedea in fotografia alaturata.
Dupa sarbatorile de iarna Gigi Becali a spus ca a decis sa-si schimbe infatisarea fiind impresionat de actorul Clark Gable, personajul Rhett Butler din filmul Pe aripile vantului. "Mi-a placut cum arata Clark Gable in filmul Pe aripile vantului, si o sa-mi las mustata ca a lui. O sa mai apar in fata camerelor de luat vederi cand mustata va creste stufoasa, ca sa fie ca la Hollywood”, declara atunci Becali.
Sursa: ASTA
miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2008Harmonica beat-box!ENJOY!
And now.....listen up my personal beatbox...for the first time in my life...
luni, 14 ianuarie 2008
Insane 72 meters jump, from a cliff, with his skies, he lands on his special backpack and after that he stands up and skies ....again......sick:-o.
Gigi Becali isi lasa mustata
joi, 10 ianuarie 2008Finanţatorul formaţiei Steaua, Gigi Becali, a spus, într-o intervenţie telefonică la, că îşi va lăsa mustaţă, adăugând că seamănă cu Clark Gable atunci când poartă respectiva podoabă. Latifundiarul din Pipera a mărturisit că actorul american i-a atras atenţia în filmul "Pe aripile vântului".
Sursapro Sport
Din ce am vazut, toti bloggeri sunt cazuti in stamba si rostesc cu admiratie "zoso" si "nihasa" in stanga si in ca sa nu mor hotarat sa intru si eu pe blogurile lor.Ce am m-a impresionat deloc...din contra....pot spune ca am vazut bloguri romanesti de n-spe mii de ori mai rog....asta e efectul de turma.Sunt 90% sigur ca cea mai mare parte dintre baietii astia care se entuziasmeaza pana la sufocare cand aud de astia doi nu le-au citit nici macar un post, dar isi pun la blogroll link-uri la site-urile lor sau acea rubrica tampita pe side-bar , intitulata META,cu linkuri la login blogspot sau wordpress.
O singura chestie am gasit interesanta pe blogu lu Nihasa:
so....from now will be on the blog...
Baselu e Most-wanted
Inegalabilul Beranger a ridicat o minge subtilă la fileul politicii autohtone, punând moaca dizgraţioasă a primului marinar al ţării pe site-ul FBI, în topul celor mai căutaţi infractori. Cum? Foarte simplu, prin intermediul unei vulnerabilităţi XSS, la fel cum anul trecut a ajuns şi Jiji Ciobanul ministru de externe pe (poză via Zoso). Băsescu, ”the Tony Soprano of Romania”, în topul FBI Most Wanted.
Preluat de aici
Si ca sa va convingeti link-ul oficial.
Anul trecut a mai fost o chestie de genul cu Becali-Ministru de Externe.
I knew it was something bad with the previous template.The average number of visitors became smaller after it became template.But now, after I have changed again the template, the number has grown up.
Maniac or talent?
This guy is fantastic!His shots reach their target every time!I don`t know how he plays football :) .I wouldn`t like to be a goalkeeper :)) .
The Snow made another victim
marți, 8 ianuarie 2008
The snow from Bucharest made yesterday another victim.Unfortunately, i witnessed that.Coming back from school, at a station distance from my home, standing in the 311-bus I saw the station aproaching.There were only 3 or four people waiting.When they had seen the bus they started running towards it, but, most of them were slipping on the ice that was on the street thanks to the authorities.One woman, that was near the bus, slipped on the snow, fell, hit the bus withe her head and after that she slipped under the bus.A man started shouting at the driver to stop.Thanks to that man, the woman survived only with a broken-nose, but she could be dead because her reached near the wheels.
The Blogullumii toolbar
luni, 7 ianuarie 2008I have also managed to create an entire toolbar with integrated search and all that hot-stuff.It is available for Internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
If you use Internet Explorer you can download it here.
If you use Mozilla Firefox you can download it here.
A toolbar button for blogullumii
duminică, 6 ianuarie 2008I have been thinking for a while....why not make a button for the toolbar of your browser so that you can always see the titles of all the articles by clicking it? has been done.
Here you can install the button.It will only work if you have the google toolar installed.
A late post
sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2008I have hardly managed to write a new post since I was in my winter holiday. was decided by you,the readers: the new template is better than the old one so, from now on, it will be the template of this blog.
If any of you would like to have this template, do not hesitate to leave a comment and I will send it to you.
I will try to make a new template to gradually improve the look and functionality of the blog and if you vote for the new will become a current template and so on.